Trusted Colleague

“Genevieve is my colleague. We practice law together. She is an integral and very important of, and plays a unique role in, our firm.

Why? Because, in addition to being a skilled, knowledgeable and experienced lawyer, (a) she has impeccable integrity, (b) she is extremely conscientious, (c) she has the ability to convey to her clients that she cares as much as they do, if not more, about they have tasked her to do – her clients have the utmost trust and confidence in her, (d) she has an unbridled enthusiasm about her practice that is infectious and motivating for her colleagues, (e) she is a true colleague, someone who is always willing to pitch in for the common good, and (f) at the end of the day, she is just plain and simple a very nice person who people want to be around. Our firm is a better law firm because she is a part of it.” – Fred K.


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